Ken announced his campaign to run for Governor of Georgia in 2026 and kicked off with a 24-hour stair climber event. Starting at 4PM on August 2nd and wrapping up at 4PM on August 3rd - Ken managed to raise over $1000 for the Boys and Girls Club of Savannah!
Catch the play backs of the event on his Instagram.
You read that right, he donated half of the campaign funds that he raised to a charity in his community. Politicians have the ability to give back, but often times they chose not to. Ken isn't just talk, he's happy to follow through with action.
In previous years, Ken has volunteered as a mentor at the Boys and Girls Club in Savannah, Georgia. He feels like reformations that can be made and influences that can be given during the early years are unbelievably important if we want our youth to grow up to be good people.
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